On Oct. 13, 2021, the Union hosted Dr. Lisa Cooke, a faculty member at TRU, to lead a virtual session on Indigenization as part of its Breaking Bread discussion series. Breaking Bread is a project from the TRU Students’ Union that connects students with community leaders through small group discussions around shared topics of interest. 

Dr. Lisa Cooke does research and teaches at TRU in the department of Sociology and Anthropology as well as administers the Aboriginal Studies Certificate. Lisa’s research and teaching primarily revolves around Indigenous-Settler relations, contemporary colonial cultural forms, and the anthropology of space and place. 

Questions considered by the group included: 

  • What has been the history of indigenization work at TRU?
  • What do you believe is the best way to move forward indigenization?
  • Is TRU ready for mandatory indigenization content for students and staff/faculty? Why/why not?
  • As well as other topics 

Keep an eye on our upcoming posts to join our next Breaking Bread discussion.