Throughout April and May 2024, the Union met with several on-campus program advisors and departments to discuss how to best support our graduate students in career-based learning here at TRU.  

In 2023 the Union started exploring what graduate student success looks like, and asked graduate students about the best way to bridge the gap between academia and professional success through on-campus outreach and a virtual survey. A total of 331 responses were collected from the outreach, with students from the Faculty of Education and Social Work and the Gaglardi School of Business and Economics providing the majority of feedback. 

Alongside talking with our members, the Union met with several other institutions to learn about how they had successfully integrated career-based programs at the graduate level, including specialized master’s programs that allowed for internships, co-op, and other hands-on learning opportunities.  

To wrap up the work on this project, the Union presented several recommendations to various program advisors and the Student Research and Graduate Studies Office to highlight the importance of quality experience for future and existing students. The recommendations included the exploration of a practicum design for a Master of Education, Co-op opportunities provided to Master of Business Administration students, and the integration of mentorship opportunities across a variety of programs.   

The project emphasized the importance and necessity of providing post-graduate experience opportunities for TRU’s graduate students. To stay informed on future graduate student success updates, please connect with us via the information below.  

To learn more about other Student Voices activities your representatives have been engaging in on your behalf, click here

For more information contact: 

Waqar Ul Mulk 
Graduate Students’ Representative

Sierra Rae
University Affairs Coordinator