The Thompson Rivers’ University Students’ Union supports Truth and Reconciliation for all Indigenous People in Canada and is committed to doing the work required to achieve that end. The ReconciliACTION Campaign is our commitment to support the implementation of the 94 calls to action through advocacy.
The 94 Calls to Action for Truth and Reconciliation is an official report that was produced by the Commission of Canada in 2015, calling on the Canadian Government to reconcile with Indigenous Peoples. You can find out more information about Truth and Reconciliation by visiting this link.
Each year, as part or our commitment to support reconciliation, the Students’ Union chooses a call or a group of calls and works towards their implementation. The Students’ Union recognizes that many of the 94 calls to action are targeted at Governments, but that doesn’t limit the influence and impact that other organizations can have on the implementation of these recommendations.
If you have any questions regarding ReconcilliACTION, contact the Equity Coordinator.
Our Work
Browse the calls that the Students’ Union has committed to doing work for this year and in years past.