On January 22nd, members of the Union met with the TRU Library and the TRU Office of Indigenous Education to review the Four Seasons of Reconciliation resource, a free online learning tool used to provide an introduction to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Developed by the First Nations University of Canada, Four Seasons of Reconciliation offers users with a basic understanding of truth and reconciliation and a certificate of completion.
Students who met with the TRU departments had previously completed the certificate before attending and provided insight on their experience accessing and using the online course. They provided feedback on the various learning modules, the course layout, and what improvements could be made to ensure that students are aware of and can access the materials.
Attendees also discussed how a course like this should be a requirement for all TRU employees and students, as it covers a variety of important reconciliation-focused material that is valuable for those living and working within our community.
This is particularly important because while British Columbia’s K-12 students have a mandatory integration of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into their education, for students coming to TRU from outside British Columbia, the opportunity to receive that education is not mandated. This means that depending on the TRU program they enroll in, many students will graduate and begin working in our community without an understanding of the Indigenous People’s of Canada.
As several other universities have moved toward integrating an Indigenous course requirement for all employees and students, the Union has previously called on TRU to mandate a basic Indigenous understanding across TRU.
“I hope to see this certificate become integrated into our campus community. As an international student who didn’t previously encounter an introduction to Indigenous People’s in my education, I think that anyone can benefit from taking this course.” said Waqar Ul Mulk, Graduate Students’ Representative.
If you are interested in completing this certificate yourself, please visit the TRU Library website here. To learn more about other Student Voices activities your representatives have been engaging in on your behalf, click here!
For more information:
Jannat Bhullar
University Affairs Executive
Sierra Rae
University Affairs Coordinator