In the latest TRUSU Amnesty Urgent Action letter, the Union urged the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan, to drop all criminal proceedings against Ahmad Farhad and to end any intimidation and harassment against him. 

“We sincerely hope that by addressing this issue directly with the Prime Minister of AJK, immediate measures will be taken to ensure Mr. Farhad’s safety, as well as his right to express his views without fear of retribution”, stated Keegan Buckley-Boyer, TRUSU’s Accessibility Representative. 

On May 15, 2024, Ahmad Farhad, a Kashmiri journalist and poet, was forcibly taken from his home in Islamabad. He reappeared on May 29, 2024, in police custody in Pakistan-administered Jammu and Kashmir, facing false accusations and wrongful imprisonment for criminal acts, linked to the Kashmir Long March protests, which he did not attend. The abduction and subsequent reappearance of Mr. Farhad in police custody without evidence of wrongdoing is a grave injustice. This kind of treatment, especially based on unfounded allegations, is a clear violation of human rights. 

Farhad, known for his criticism of enforced disappearances and support for social movements, faced additional charges related to terrorism and unlawful assembly. Despite his family filing a habeas corpus petition, which led to a police investigation, he was only released on bail on June 14, and the charges against him remain. The authorities involved in Mr. Farhad’s enforced disappearance should be thoroughly investigated, and those responsible must face criminal prosecution, even if they are members of law enforcement. Despite his release on bail, the charges against Mr. Farhad remain unjustly in place, underscoring the need for a fair and transparent legal process. 

” We value the fundamental rights to freedom of expression and hope that the Pakistan government acts in accordance with these international principles; ensuring that Pakistanis can trust in a just legal system”, stated Buckley-Boyer. 

The Union calls on the AJK Prime Minister to reverse the unlawful actions taken against Farhad and ensure a fair trial for those suspected to be involved in his enforced disappearance. Farhad’s case reinforces the critical need for the Pakistan Government to adhere to international human rights laws and uphold the right to freedom of expression.  

TRUSU eagerly awaits the response from the Prime Minister on this urgent matter. 

More Information

The Amnesty Urgent Actions Program allows the Union to take action regarding international human rights injustices that matter to students. Click this link to see injustices we have addressed previously, and for further information about this issue or to see a copy of the letter, contact the Equity Coordinator below.

Keegan Buckley-Boyer
Accessibility Representative

Azul-Sky Billy
Equity Coordinator

Monday, August 05, 2024