June 10, 2024

In the most recent TRUSU Urgent Action Letter addressed to the Honourable Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, the Union urged for an end to the crackdown on the Indigenous Bawm Community, and fully implement all human rights provisions of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Peace Accord.  

This crackdown on the Bawm Community is restricting students from returning to their studies, resulting in great consequences on those students’ futures. “As an organization representing post-secondary students, we find this crackdown deeply concerning and downright unacceptable. We hope that by sending this letter it will open the eyes of the Bangladesh Government to the injustices the Bawm Community is facing”, says Gopi Yerraguntla, TRUSU Equity Committee Executive. 

Since April 7, 2025, over 100 Indigenous Bawm people have been accused by the Bangladesh military of being terrorists linked to the Kuki-Chin National Front and arrested in the CHT of southeastern Bangladesh. Those not arrested have fled or are trying to flee the country. This crackdown on the Bawm Community infringes on the commitments to resolve conflicts and injustices between the Government of Bangladesh and Indigenous communities of CHT outlined in the CHT Peace Accord.  

“We are calling on the Honorable Sheikh Hasna, to advocate for an end this injustice and to begin taking appropriate steps in making amends with those impacted. To release all civilians arbitrarily arrested, ensure those arrested are provided adequate legal representation, and ensure any further military activities on Bawm Indigenous lands are first consented to”, as noted by Yerraguntla. 

The Union awaits a response from the Government of Bangladesh on this urgent matter. 

For more information

The Amnesty Urgent Actions program allows for the Union to consistently take solidarity action regarding international human rights injustices that matter to students. Click this link to see injustices we have addressed previously, and for further information about this issue or to see a copy of the letter, contact the Equity Coordinator below. 

Gopi Yerraguntla
Equity Committee Executive Member
TRU Students’ Union

Azul-Sky Billy
Equity Coordinator
TRU Students’ Union