The Student Caucus is the student voice in decision-making at Thompson Rivers University. We are the team of student representatives on all university committees. We engage students in key issues and work together to improve our campus.

You can join the Student Caucus to serve on one of over seventy student positions on committees across the university. You will be a part of our team, build skills in decision-making and university processes, and earn recognition for your service.

The Student Caucus includes student representatives on all university decision-making bodies. This includes:

Below are descriptions of each of the decision-making bodies where students are represented. If you would like to contact one of these student representatives, please send our University Affairs Coordinator an email at

Board of Governors

Responsible for financial, legal, capital, and external relations decisions.

Board of Governors

The TRU Board of Governors has a legislated set of responsibilities for directing the affairs of the institution and setting policies in accordance with the Thompson Rivers University Act. In summary, the Board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business, and affairs of the University.

Note that student representatives on the Board are elected through a TRU process and not selected through the Student Caucus.

Shariyer Chowdhury
Anshuman Walia

Community Trust

Responsible for managing private real estate development on campus that incorporates housing and amenities.

TRU Community Trust

The TRU Community Trust (TRUCT) is a corporate trust wholly owned by TRU and created as a separate legal entity to manage the development of TRU’s real estate. The TRUCT is responsible for developing a “university village” that incorporates features on campus such as market-based residential housing, student residences, retail shops, restaurants, professional offices, and student assembly space.

Anshuman Walia

Administrative Advisory Committees

Responsible for operational decisions and overseeing major projects.

Advising Steering Committee

The Advising Steering Committee is responsible for continuing research and consultations provided by the Re-imagining Advising Project and to recommend action items to senior leadership to improve academic advising.

Dylan Mosimann
Sayantika Saha
Accessibility Committee

The Accessibility Committee, reporting to People & Culture, is responsible for informing TRU’s Accessibility Plan with the goal of making TRU a more inclusive and accessible place. 

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Laiba Qureshi
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Christopher Noel
Zafreen Jaffer
Biosafety Committee

The Biosafety Committee is an advisory body responsible for discussing and addressing the practices and safety precautions to prevent infectious disease spread at TRU. 

Prativa Ayer
Capital Project Planning Advisory Group

The Capital Projects Planning Advisory Group, reporting to the President, is tasked to provide leadership, guidance and direction on the development of TRU’s 5-Year Capital Projects Plan to ensure that approved projects meet TRU’s strategic priorities and addresses deficiencies in space, deferred maintenance and/or sustainability. It develops criteria for assessing proposed projects, reviews the TRU Campus Master Plan and other capital planning documents, reviews project proposals, and recommends a 5-Year Capital Plan on an annual basis. The 5-year Capital Projects Plan forms the basis for capital funding asks from government, and is used by the Space Management Committee to guide short and long term space planning decisions.

Madi Abigay
Graden ORR
Community Safety Council

The Community Safety Council is an advisory body responsible for discussing and addressing concerns related to the campus environment and enhancing a culture of safety and inclusion at TRU. 

Kayla Hermiston
Food Service Advisory Committee

The Food Service Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing changes and improvements to TRU food services and determining if TRU food services are meeting the needs of the TRU community.

Richa Nair
Yuxin Liu
Arisson Jyrkkanen
Gender Diversity Committee 

The Gender Diversity Committee, reporting to the Student Development Faculty Council, is responsible for the implementation of the recommendations made in the TransFocus audit.

Ancy Stanley Paramal
Ashlin Amjad
Internationalization Plan Working Group

The Internationalization Plan Working Group, reporting to the Vice President International & Senate, is responsible for creating and presenting a plan on the recruitment and support of international students. 

Yana Voitenko
Brennen Lockwood
Hauwa Dare Sheshi
Zohair Bin Yasir
Zohair Bin Yasir
Landscape Advisory Committee

The Landscape Advisory Committee, reporting to the Director of Facilities, is responsible for advising upon landscape planning to ensure that landscape development proceeds in accordance with the Campus Master Plan and landscape guidelines. It assesses design proposals and provide advice on overall site development and on specific landscape and irrigation projects; identifies maintenance and security issues; and provides continuity of campus development.

Deepna Khosla
Deepna Khosla
Mission Fulfillment Committee

The Mission Fulfillment Committee, reporting to the Vice President Academic & Provost, is responsible for the review and funding of Integrated Strategic Planning projects. The student representative serving on this committee is the selected Co-Chair of the Student Success Committee.

Yashasvi Sharma
Yashasvi Sharma
Nursing Safety and Health Committee

The Nursing Safety and Health Committee is an advisory body responsible for discussing and addressing safety concerns within nursing programs.

Adetoke Adegoroye
Adetoke Adegoroye
Open Education Working Group

The TRU Open Education Working Group engages a variety of faculty, staff, administrators, and students in developing open education project work and determining areas of priorities for open access to education and open educational resources.

Shariyer Chowdhury
Shariyer Chowdhury
Simran Saini
Open Press Advisory Board

The Open Press Advisory Board is responsible for the oversight, development, and distribution of funds related to publishing open-access materials at TRU.

Rashika Anthony
Rashika Anthony
Roods Bensly Pierre
Roods Bensly Pierre
Parking Appeals and Advisory Committee

The Parking Appeals and Advisory Committee, reporting to the Vice President Administration and Finance, serves two purposes. First, it hears appeals in regard to all parking violations and provides resolutions. Second, it works to continuously improve the parking system and ensure fair and equitable enforcement by making recommendations on parking infrastructure and policies as well as day-to-day operations.

Sanjana Jadhav
Hafsa Barsha
Hafsa Barsha
Residents’ Council

The Residents’ Council is responsible for overseeing residence forums and developing programming to support students living in the McGill, North Tower, East Village, and West Gate on-campus housing.

Fraz Khan
Fraz Khan
Zohair Bin Yasir
Zohair Bin Yasir
Zafreen Jaffer
Zafreen Jaffer
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Position Vacant
Science Curriculum Review Committee 

The Science Curriculum Review Committee is responsible for recommending to the science faculty council approval of new credit courses and programs and reviewing proposals for course and program changes.

Jerin Jeejo
Science Safety and Health Committee

The Science Safety and Health Committee is an advisory body responsible for discussing and addressing safety concerns within science programs.

Malika Sharma
Malika Sharma
Sustainability Grant Fund Committee

The Sustainability Grant Fund Review Committee, reporting to the Director of Environment and Sustainability, serves to review grant applications to the fund and make recommendations to the Director. The grants are awarded to improve the university’s operational environmental performance, foster environmental literacy and campus community engagement, advance applied research, and demonstrate the viability of sustainable technologies.

Tarun Mallikarjunaiah
Manuel Livingston
Trades Safety and Health Committee

The Trades Safety and Health Committee is an advisory body responsible for discussing and addressing safety concerns within trades programs. 

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University Space Planning Committee

The University Space Planning Committee, reporting to the Vice President Administration and Finance, is tasked with executing the space plans as defined by the capital projects from the 5-Year Capital Plan. It also manages minor space re-allocations, renovations, temporary relocations, etc.

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Jaspreet Kaur
Baltahzar Bellion

Senate & Senate Committees

Responsible for university-wide academic decisions.


The Senate is the senior academic decision-making body of the university. The purposes of the Senate are defined by the Thompson Rivers University Act. These include setting: criteria for awarding credentials, curriculum content, admissions standards, examinations and student evaluation policies, student withdrawal policies, criteria for academic standing and standards, the grading system, criteria for academic excellence awards, and student academic appeals policies and procedures. The Senate is further required by the Act to advise the Board of Governors on matters including: the mission statement, goals, objectives, strategies, and priorities of the university; the establishment, revision, or discontinuance of courses, programs, or faculties; the priorities for new programs and courses; the evaluation of programs and educational services; the library and resource centres; the setting of the academic schedule; the qualifications of faculty members; the adjudication procedures for appeal-able matters of student discipline; the terms of affiliation with other post-secondary bodies; and the consultation with community and program advisory groups concerning the university’s educational programs.

Note that student representatives on the Senate are elected through a TRU process and not selected through the Student Caucus.

Anel Jazybayeva
Anel Jazybayeva
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Gopi Yerranguntia
Reshma Pradhan
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Bhavish Malhotra
Academic Integrity Committee

The Academic Integrity Committee adjudicates academic integrity cases, and educates faculty and students on issues and standards relative to academic integrity.

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Kristin Riveral
Timur Rakhimov
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Kris Kadaleevanam
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Nji Mbitaownu
Academic Planning and Priorities Committee

The Academic Planning and Priorities Committee serves to advise Senate on the mission statement and the educational goals, objectives, strategies, and priorities of the University; the establishment, revision, or discontinuance of educational programs and other curricular changes; the priorities for implementation of new programs; the establishment or discontinuance of Faculties, Schools, Divisions, and Departments; the establishment, revision or discontinuance of research centres, institutes, and research chairs and professorships, and other research-related matters; the terms of affiliation, articulation and other contractual agreements with other post-secondary institutions; policies for enrolment management; and policies and processes for the development, review, implementation, and communication of educational plans.

The committee further advises the Budget Committee of Senate on the academic priorities for the allocation of funds.

Finally, the committee reviews the reports and recommendations of the Educational Programs Committee or the Graduate Studies Committee and advises Senate.

Lily Ricle
Hassan Ali Syed
Victoria Negedu (Graduate)
Awards and Honours Committee

The Awards and Honours Committee serves to advise Senate on policies, procedures, priorities and criteria for student awards and honours; to evaluate nominees for honorary degrees, for honorary title of Professor Emeritus/Educator Emeritus, and for student awards; to recommend awards priorities to the TRU Foundation; to recommend entrance scholarship policy and regulations to the TRU Board of Governors; and to advise the Manager, Financial Aid and Awards on matters of policy and procedure relating to university student loans, fee deferrals and need-based awards.

Angad Saddal (Graduate)
Seyi Adeyemi
Budget Committee of Senate

The Budget Committee serves to advise Senate and its committees on the budgetary implications of matters Senates considers, including proposals for new educational, research, or other programs or initiatives.

It further advises the President and Vice-Presidents on academic budgetary priorities; major capital plans; the allocation of funds; the development of budgetary policies, guidelines, processes and models; and the development of consultation and communication strategies related to budgetary matters.

Finally, it presents the annual University budget to Senate.

Chery-l Ogweno
Dana Al Baloshi
Educational Programs Committee

The Educational Programs Committee serves to advise Senate on all matters related to educational programs; policies, practices and criteria for the admission; evaluation and promotion of students; criteria for awarding credentials; policies concerning student withdrawal; and the annual academic schedule.

It reviews regularly the processes for review and approval of curricular changes by Faculty Councils. For curricular matters delegated to Faculty Councils, it reviews the reports of the Faculty Councils and informs Senate. For curricular matters delegated to the Educational Programs Committee, it reviews for approval proposals from the Faculty Councils and informs Senate. For curricular matters that require Senate approval, it reviews proposals from Faculty Councils, in consultation with the Budget Committee, and makes recommendations to the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee.

Further, it resolves curricular disputes between academic faculties and departments and reports the decisions to Senate.

Finally, it submits to Senate an annual report of the University’s curricular changes.

Tasnim Ul Islam
Quwamdeen Ibirbigbe
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee, which reports to both the Senate and the Board of Governors, serves to provide evidence-based advice with regard to environmentally sensitive policies and practices that foster a sustainable future and lead to health and economic benefits for the University community. To do so it advises administration, the Board of Governors, and Senate regarding environmental policy and issues; serves a coordinating and communication role concerning environmental issues and activity; encourages environmentally responsible citizenship and a culture of environmental sustainability; encourages environmental teaching, service, research and operations; and investigates potential environmental partnerships within and external to the university.

Bridget Annie Chandakasarira
Poonam Poonam
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Awards Sub-Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Awards Sub-Committee reports to the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee on related awards.

Doyinsola Hilda Sodamola
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Biodiversity Sub-Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Core-Themed Planning Sub-Committee reports to the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee on sustainability planning related to TRU’s Vision, Mission, and Values.

Anushka Naithani
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Core-Themed Planning Sub-Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Core-Themed Planning Sub-Committee reports to the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee on sustainability planning related to TRU’s Vision, Mission, and Values.

Silvia Okika
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Sustainability in the Curriculum Sub-Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Sustainability in the Curriculum Sub-Committee reports to the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee on related curriculum changes.

Kira Schmidt
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Sustainable Purchasing Sub-Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Sustainable Purchasing Sub-Committee reports to the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee on sustainable material purchasing of the institution.

Lalitha Dharmapuri
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Zero Waste Sub-Committee

The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Zero Waste Sub-Committee reports to the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee on zero waste initiatives.

Noori Arora
Graduate Studies Committee

The Graduate Studies Committee serves to advise Senate on all matters related to graduate-level education; policies and practices related to the development, review, approval, delivery and evaluation of graduate-level courses and programs; policies, practices and criteria for the admission, evaluation and promotion of graduate students; criteria for awarding graduate credentials; and policies related to compliance with standards of academic integrity and ethics, promotion of cultural diversity and intellectual collegiality.

It reviews proposals for new programs and courses and for curriculum changes from the Graduate Program Committees and makes recommendations to the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee; ensures regular and systematic external assessment and review of graduate programs; and reviews for approval applications for faculty participation as Full, Adjunct and Associate Graduate Instructor/Supervisor following approval of the Dean.

Further, the committee engages in strategic planning for graduate education consistent with the academic plan and research plan; fosters cross-disciplinary exchange to facilitate the sharing of courses, expertise, and other resources; conducts research and provides a forum for sharing best practices in graduate education; and supports best practices for graduate student engagement and support.

Finally, it submits to Senate an annual report on graduate studies

Mayanthi Bhagya Basnayake
Mushri Buland
Qelmúwc Affairs Committee

The Qelmúwc Affairs Committee serves to guide, support, and review the development and delivery of program and course offerings and content relating to Indigenous learners. It advises on Indigenous Education initiatives and on Indigenous research in alignment with Indigenous guidelines and protocols established at Canadian institutions. It encourages and supports the representation of Indigenous people at all levels of the University. It reports annually on TRU actions that honour the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Recommendations and the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights. It encourages and supports First Nations programs and services that create an environment that honours the knowledge, language, partnerships, protocols and traditions of Indigenous peoples. It encourages, supports, and recommends appropriate activities that enhance Indigenization on TRU campuses. Finally, it supports, recommends, and seeks appropriate Aboriginal partnerships and affiliation agreements between TRU and Indigenous communities.

Dylon McLay
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Cicyetkwu Dunstan
International Affairs Committee

The International Affairs Committee serves to advise Senate on measures to achieve the goals set out in the Strategic Plan with regard to International Opportunities with a focus on internationalization and international opportunities for students and faculty. It further advises Senate on measures to align of academic, budgetary and other priorities of Senate with the international activities of the university.

Shivani Tyagi
Tinovongaishe Gondora
Baale Ibrahim Lujaganya
International Student Success Sub-Committee

The International Student Success Sub-Committee is responsible for identifying priority areas to support international student success at TRU and necessary changes to further international student engagement and access on campus. The International Student Success Sub-Committee reports to the Student Success Committee.

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Intercultural Understanding Sub-Committee

The Intercultural Understanding Sub-Committee reports to the International Affairs Committee and Qelmúcw Affairs Committee on improvements and changes to develop intercultural awareness and support on at TRU.

Prerana Agadi
Aaradhya Vats
Research Committee

The Research Committee serves to advise Senate on policies and programs that promote, support and celebrate high quality research and scholarly work and its dissemination; policies and practices regarding ethical or regulatory requirements for the conduct of research and scholarly work and its dissemination; opportunities and challenges associated with external funding of research and scholarly work; and policies and procedures for the allocation and awarding of university funds for research and scholarly work.

It reviews, in consultation with the Budget Committee, proposals to establish new research centres or institutes or new research chairs or professorships, and makes recommendations to the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee; reviews annually the activities of the University’s research centres or institutes; and reviews annually the Strategic Research Plan and make recommendations to the Senate.

Finally, it submits to Senate an annual report on research and scholarly activities.

MD Muhtasim Muneem (Graduate)
Paul Richter
Steering Committee of Senate

The Steering Committee of Senate serves to advise Senate on all matters related to the ways it conducts the business of Senate, its meetings and its proceedings; matters related to duties of members and conflict of interest; procedures for the recommendation and selection of candidates for president, deans, librarians, the registrar and other senior academic administrators designated by the Board; matters related to Senate elections.

It reviews regularly the by-laws of Senate and the configuration of standing committees of Senate, their membership, terms of reference, and their consultation and reporting relationships, and makes recommendations to Senate. It coordinates the policies, programs, and practices of Senate committees, especially where more than one standing committees is involved.

Finally, it nominates members to serve on Senate committees, review and appeal committees, and selection committees and hearings.

Nneoma Orji (Graduate)
Anoop Panesar
Student Success Committee

Yashasvi Sharma (Graduate)
Durga Kondapalli
John Ayesu Oppong
Melanie Sagastume
Ananya Pal
Olivia Nelson
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Pavitra Kaushik
Teaching and Learning Committee

The Teaching and Learning Committee serves to advise Senate on policies, programs and practices to promote, support, and celebrate high quality and innovative teaching and learning environments; policies and practices for the systematic measurement of the quality of teaching and learning; the promotion of research on teaching and learning; the coordination and development of academic policies, and regulations, and services involving the Library, Information Technology Services, and Media Services; and the further development, service integration, and coordination of the library, Information Technology Services, and Media Services.

Simmi Sachdeva
Vikramsingh Rathore

Planning Council for Open Learning

Responsible for directing the affairs of the Open Learning Division of the university.

Planning Council for Open Learning

The Planning Council for Open Learning is responsible for directing the affairs of the Open Learning Division of the university.

It has the power to set admission requirements and residency requirements for awarding credentials offered through the Open Learning Division. It may further advise or make recommendations to the Board of Governors on the following: the educational mandate of the Open Learning Division; the establishment, revision or discontinuance of courses and programs in the Open Learning Division; and the strategic direction for the Open Learning Division, including its role as a system partner in the ongoing development and expansion of distance and online learning in British Columbia.

Note that the student representative on the Planning Council for Open Learning are elected through a TRU process and not selected through the Student Caucus.

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Md Navedul Islam

Faculty Councils

Responsible for faculty-based academic decisions.

Adventure, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Faculty Council

The Adventure, Culinary Arts, and Tourism Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Riddhima Redkar
Arts Faculty Council

The Arts Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Jannat Bhullar
Jannat Bhullar
Hannah Valihora
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Position Vacant
Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics Faculty Council

The School of Business and Economics Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Zhan Kairatuly (International)
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Cicyetkwu Dunstan (Domestic)
Garima (Graduate)
Education and Social Work Faculty Council 

The Education and Social Work Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

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Law Faculty Council

The Law Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

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Nursing Faculty Council

The Nursing Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Adetoke Adegoroye
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Vacant Position
Science Faculty Council

The Science Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Claire Minette
Student Development Faculty Council

The Student Development Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Tejas Adatiya
Pratibha Bakshi
Trades and Technology Faculty Council

The Trades and Technology Faculty Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

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University Library Divisional Council

The University Library Divisional Council serves as a senior academic governance body for collegial and consultative decision-making. The Council is responsible at the Faculty level for the planning, priority-setting, development, management, and ongoing review of the teaching, research, and other related programs and services.

Yewande (Wendy) Edun

Upcoming Student Caucus Gatherings

Click on any of the events below to find more information or to register to attend a Student Caucus Gathering.

Student Caucus Informational Briefing

Student Caucus Informational Briefing

Nov 6, 2024    
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Are you involved in TRU’s governance system and want to learn more about what’s happening across our campus? Attend our informational briefing with TRU President [...]
Student Caucus Informational Briefing

Student Caucus Informational Briefing

Dec 4, 2024    
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Are you involved in TRU’s governance system and want to learn more about what’s happening across our campus? Attend our informational briefing with TRU Associate [...]