The Parents on Campus Club aims to offer a place of belonging and community for student parents at TRU. We want to foster relationships that are healthy and conducive to your growth and educational goals. We are here to support eachother whatever that looks like. Could be childcare swaps, textbook sharing, carpooling, mentorship for new students, help navigating campus, tips for studying, play dates, whatever it may be. We hope to grow this group and raise a collective voice to advocate for changes on campus and in larger systems that impact us and create barriers to accessing higher education. We are passionate about improving outcomes for all children. Empowering parents to attain higher education is one way that we can do that. Join us in this exciting movement!
Contact us
trusuparentsoncampus@gmail.com | |
Club Leaders
Primary Signing Authority | Kyle Feldmann |
Secondary signing authority | Karisa Elliott |
Faculty Advisor
Trina Redman Assistant Teaching Professor Faculty of Education and Social Work |
Upcoming Events
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